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GSSHA simulations require a project file that contains command line instructions or “cards” which pass options to GSSHA for a particular simulation. The name of the project file is given at run time as a command line argument for GSSHA. The following section presents all project file cards followed by a brief description of each. The project file consists of a single card on each line, followed by its argument, if any. While some cards require no argument, others require values, character strings, file names, table names, or map names. Tables are files that contain ASCII input data in a tabular format. A map name is simply the name of a floating point GRASS ASCII file that contains raster data. An index map refers to a similar file that contains integers indexed to tabular values. Throughout the manual, project card names will be presented in BOLD CAPITAL letters; arguments appear as CAPITAL ITALICS.

The project file cards may appear in the project file in any order, except the first card must be GSSHAPROJECT. Extraneous or misspelled cards are ignored. A card may be commented out by preceding the card with a pound sign (hash mark) “#”. When using the Mapping Table to assign parameter values for any process, the MAPPING_TABLE card is used. For project cards related to input parameters the units, if any, of the input argument are presented. For optional inputs, the default value, if any, is also presented.


3.1 Required Inputs

The following table lists all required project file card, which must be present in a project file. In addition to these cards, a method of assigning rainfall and overland roughness values must also be selected from the choices below.

Card Argument Description
none This card must appear first in the project file
real The size of the square model grid cells (m) (cells will be GRIDSIZExGRIDSIZE.
ROWS  ##
integer Number of rows in each raster map.
COLS  ##
integer Number of columns in each raster map.
integer Total duration of the event simulation in minutes. Not required if LONG_TERM is specified.
real Overall model time step (s).
real Slope of the cell containing the watershed outlet.
Must be positive. Not required if DIFFUSIVE_WAVE is specified.
integer The raster row where the catchment outlet is located. Not required if DIFFUSIVE_WAVE is specified.
integer The raster column where the catchment outlet is located. Not required if DIFFUSIVE_WAVE is specified.
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing watershed elevations (m).
WATERSHED_MASK "filename.msk"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing the watershed shape. Cells marked with 1 lie inside the watershed, while cells marked with a 0 lie outside. Must be the first card after GSSHAPROJECT when using GSSHATM with WMS.
integer Time (minutes) that points are written to the output hydrograph file(s).
SUMMARY  "filename.sum"
file name Output file summarizing information on options selected, inputs read, simulation results, mass conservation, and warnings generated during the simulation.
OUTLET_HYDRO  "filename.otl"
file name Output file containing time series discharge at the catchment outlet. (m3 s-1 default or, ft3 s-1 if QOUT_CFS card specified)

3.2 Mapping Table – Optional

When using the Mapping Table to assign any of the distributed parameters the Mapping Table card must be included.

Card Argument Description
MAPPING_TABLE  "filename.cmt"
filename Input ASCII file that assigns grid-based parameter values based on grid index maps.
ST_MAPPING_TABLE  "filename.smt"
filename Input ASCII file that assigns link/node parameter values based on stream index maps.

3.3 Overland Flow – Required

3.3.1 Required Inputs

Overland roughness coefficients must be assigned to every cell in the active grid. Overland roughness coefficients may be assigned as either a single uniform value, from a GRASS ASCII grid map, or from the Mapping Table. Only one option should be selected. Do not specify either of these cards if roughness values are to be read from the Mapping Table file.

Card Argument Units Description
MANNING_N  ##.##
real none Constant value of Manning’s roughness coefficient to be applied to the entire watershed. Mutually exclusive with ROUGHNESS and Mapping Table file assignment.
ROUGHNESS  "filename.ext"
map name   Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially-varied overland flow Manning’s n values. Mutually exclusive with MANNING_N and Mapping Table file assignment.

3.3.2 Optional Inputs

The user can select the overland flow routing scheme. An overland retention depth may also be specified at the discretion of the user. Retention depth can be assigned as a single uniform value, from the Mapping Table, or from a GRASS ASCII grid map. Only one option should be specified.

Card Argument Units Default Value Description
OVERTYPE   [type]
character   ADE Overland routing scheme, one of:

ADE, or

RETEN_DEPTH  ["filename.ext"]
map name
or none
    Specifies distributed retention depth (mm) over the watershed. If followed by a map name, the file will be read in as the retention depth map. If no input is specified, then the retention depth map is generated from the Mapping Table file. Mutually exclusive with RETENTION.
real mm 0.0 Specifies the uniform retention depth to be used for all overland flow cells. Mutually exclusive with RETEN_DEPTH.
READ_OV_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
map name     Name of map that specifies initial depths, m, of every overland flow cell
WRITE_OV_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
map name     Name of map that specifies overland depths at the end of the simulation, m, of every overland flow cell
none     Run with overland boundary conditions turned on. The boundary conditions are specified in the mapping table.
real m 0.0 Specifies an initial water surface (meters above sea level.) Used when starting models adjacent to the ocean in conjunction with overland boundary conditions.
real 0.2 Use the momentum formulation from Bates et al. (2010) to compute overland flow. For versions 7.14 and higher specify the time step limitation coefficient (between 0.0 and 1.0) with this card as well. The default time step coefficient is 0.2. Higher values increase speed. Lower values increase stability.
none No Use a strict application of the overland flow time step from Bates et al. (2010).

To include wetlands, which are optional, simply set up a wetlands table. The wetlands are turned on if the table is present and has a valid index map associated with it.

3.4 Interception – Optional

Interceptions parameters may be assigned using the Mapping Table, or by assigning GRASS ASCII maps.

Card Argument Description
  Do interception using data present in the Mapping Table file.
STORAGE_CAPACITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing values of the initial interception abstraction (mm). Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
INTERCEPTION_COEFF  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing values of the interception coefficient. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.

3.5 Rainfall Input and Options – Required

The following table lists all project file cards pertaining to rainfall input. Either, but not both, PRECIP_UNIF or PRECIP_FILE must be included in each GSSHA project file.

Card Argument Units Description
none   Specifies spatially and temporally uniform rainfall. Also requires: RAIN_INTENSITY, RAIN_DURATION, START_DATE, START TIME. Mutually exclusive with PRECIP_FILE.
real mm/hr Intensity of spatially- and temporally-uniform rainfall. Required only for PRECIP_UNIF.
integer minutes Duration of spatially- and temporally-uniform rainfall. Required only for PRECIP_UNIF.
START_DATE [yr mo day]
integers year
Year, month, and day of the beginning of a simulation. Required only for PRECIP_UNIF. See section on rainfall input for format description. This card can also be used with long term simulations to start the simulation at a point other than the beginning of the hmet time series. See long term simulation information.
START_TIME [hr min]
integers hr
Hour and minute of the beginning of a simulation. Required only for PRECIP_UNIF. See section on rainfall input for format description. This card can also be used with long term simulations to start the simulation at a point other than the beginning of the hmet time series. See long term simulation information.
PRECIP_FILE  "filename.gag"
file name   Input ASCII file containing spatially and temporally varied rainfall rates (mm hr-1). See the manual section titled Precipitation Input for a description of the file format. Mutally exclusive with PRECIP_UNIF.
none   Inverse distance squared rainfall interpolation. REQUIRED for PRECIP_FILE. Mutually exclusive with RAIN_THIESSEN.
none   Thiessen polygon (nearest neighbor) rainfall interpolation. Recommended particularly when rainfall rates are derived from radar estimates. REQUIRED for PRECIP_FILE. Mutually exclusive with RAIN_INV_DISTANCE.

3.6 Infiltration – Optional

Infiltration may be calculated using four different infiltration options. Green and Ampt (GA) (Green and Ampt, 1911), a multi-layered Green and Ampt Model, Green and Ampt with Redistribution (GAR) (Ogden and Saghafian, 1995), and Richards’ equation (RE) (Richards, 1931). Only one of these four methods should be selected.

Card Argument Description
none Specifies Green and Ampt (GA) infiltration calculations.
none Specifies Green and Ampt with Redistribution (GAR) infiltration calculations.
none Specifies three layered Green and Ampt infiltration.
none Specifies Richards’ Equation be used for infiltration.

3.6.1 Green and Ampt (GA)

When GREEN_AMPT is selected, values of hydraulic conductivity, wetting front suction head, porosity, and initial moisture are required. Parameter values may be input using the Mapping Table file or with the series of GRASS ASCII maps using the cards below.

Card Argument Description
CONDUCTIVITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm hr-1). REQUIRED for GREEN_AMPT or INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
CAPILLARY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of Green & Ampt wetting front capillary head parameter (cm). REQUIRED for GREEN_AMPT or INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
POROSITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of soil porosity. REQUIRED for GREEN_AMPT or INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
MOISTURE  [value]
map name
Used to assign the initial soil moisture content. If followed by a filename, the file will be read in as a GRASS ASCII initial soil volumetric water content map. If no input is specified, then the initial soil volumetric water content s will be input using the Mapping Table file. REQUIRED for GREEN_AMP or INF_REDIST.

3.6.2 Green and Ampt with Redistribution (GAR)

When GAR is specified, the GA parameters plus two additional parameters must be provided: the pore-distribution index, and residual saturation. These may be input in the Mapping Table file or by providing two GRASS ASCII maps using the cards below.

Card Argument Description
PORE_INDEX  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of the Brooks & Corey (1964) pore-distribution index. REQUIRED for INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
RESIDUAL_SAT  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of the volumetric water content of the soil at residual saturation. REQUIRED for INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
FIELD_CAPACITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of the volumetric water content of the soil when gravity drainage ceases. REQUIRED for INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.

3.6.3 Multi-layered Green and Ampt

The multi-layered GA parameters are assigned with the table described in Section 11, and referenced to an index map. The required project cards are listed below.

Card Argument Description
SOIL_TYPE_MAP "filename.ext"
index map file name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing index numbers related to soil type.
SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE  "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file containing values GA parameter in three soil layers for each soil referenced to in the SOIL_TYPE_MAP.

3.6.4 Richards’ Equation

When INF_RICHARDS is selected additional cards are required. There are also a number of optional input and output cards, as described below. Richard' Equation parameters may be specified in the MAPPING_TABLE, as well as in separate ASCII files. Required Inputs

Card Argument Description
none Specify Richards’ equation for calculation of soil moisture, infiltration, and ET if doing LONG_TERM simulations.
character string Type of water-content/head curve and hydraulic conductivity/head curve.
BROOKS - Brooks and Corey (1964), as extended by Hutson and Cass (1987), into the wet profile; or,
HAVERCAMP – Havercamp (1977) as modified by Lappala (1985). Parameter Assignment - Required

Select either SOIL_TYPE_MAP and SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE or use the Mapping Table.

Card Argument Description
SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file with soil layer input parameters. Not used with MAPPING_TABLE
SOIL_TYPE_MAP  "filename.ext"
index map file name Name of GRASS ASCII map of soil type integer values corresponding to SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE. Not used with MAPPING_TABLE Optional Inputs

Card Argument Default Description
WATER_TABLE  "filename.ext"
map name no water table Simulate effect of water table on soil moisture. Specify filename of GRASS ASCII map that contains starting elevations of water table (m).
real none Size of unsaturated cell to use in all cells below the soil column specified in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE or Mapping Table (m).
none no seasonal canopy resistance (when card is absent) Vary the vegetation canopy resistance during the year.
NORMAL Method used to calculate hydraulic conductivity at ground surface under ponded conditions:

NORMAL – from cell-centered water content of first cell,
GREEN_AMPT - saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of cell 1
AVERAGE - average of Ks and NORMAL

none do not assign
initial theta
Assign soil moisture from the file specified in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE card, if simulating the water table.
integer 1 Maximum number of iterations on non-linear coefficients.
real 1.0 Weight on inter-cell hydraulic conductivities:
1.0 - forward
0.5 - centered
0.0 - backwards
character string ARITHMETIC Averaging method for inter-cell hydraulic conductivities,


real 0.025 Maximum allowable water content change during a time-step. Optional Output

Card Argument Description
IN_THETA_LOCATION  "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file that contains locations (row col) of cells to output time series moisture data. Works with all infiltration types GREEN_AMPT INF_REDIST INF_LAYERED_SOIL INF_RICHARDS. Output is time series of soil moisture for each location. Output is time series of soil moisture every HYD_FREQ minutes. The exact output varies with model setup. The first line in the file should be the number of locations followed by one (row col) pair for each location desired. For example, if you wanted output from 3 locations: row 1 col 1, row 10, col 9, and row 100 col 90, your input file would look like:
1 1
10 9
100 90  
OUT_THETA_LOCATION  "filename.ext"
file name Filename to output time series moisture data every HYD_FREQ minutes at cells specified in IN_THETA_LOCATION. Output is listed in same order as input. Output is time series of soil moisture for each location. If doing LONG_TERM simulations, output is time series of soil moisture for each soil layer in your soil moisture model. The number of layers is dependent on how you have set up your soils. Output will be listed in the same order as the inputs. There will be one column for each soil layer for each output location. For INF_REDIST and INF_LAYERED_SOIL there will be two columns for each location. If there is only one soil layer in your model, then the second column for each location will have a no data card, -999.99. If you are simulating groundwater and the groundwater overtakes a layer at a location, the soil moisture will remain at saturation while that layer at that location is under the groundwater. If you are not doing long term simulations, only the surface soil moisture is listed, so only one column per location. If simulating INF_RICHARDS then there is output for every RE cell in the soil column for each output location. As the number of cells in the RE solution can vary both spatially and temporally (when simulating groundwater), the number of output columns can vary over time. For this reason, results from RE may be most useable if output only one location at a time.

3.6.7 Special Infiltration Cards

Card Argument Description
READ_SM_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
file name Input GRASS ASCII map file that contains starting surface soil moistures specified for every grid cell in the watershed. Works with all infiltration options.
WRITE_SM_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
file name Filename to output GRASS ASCII map of soil moistures for every grid cell in the watershed at the end of the simulation. Works with all infiltration options.

3.7 Channel Routing – Optional

3.7.1 Required Inputs

The following cards are REQUIRED for the simulation of channel routing.

Card Argument Description
none Specifies explicit diffusive-wave 1-D channel routing.
none Specifies explicit diffusive-wave 1-D channel routing. Performs same function as DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
CHANNEL_INPUT  "filename.cif"
file name Input ASCII file containing channel network connectivity and cross-sectional information for each link/node.
STREAM_CELL  "filename.gst"
file name Input ASCII file containing channel/grid connectivity information.
OUTLET_HYDRO  "filename.otl"
file name Output ASCII file containing discharge (m3 s-1) unless QOUT_CFS flag is specified (ft3 s-1)
SECTION_TABLE  "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file containing cross-section information for irregular, break-point channel cross-sections. REQUIRED if look-up table cross-sections are specified in the CHANNEL_INPUT file.

3.7.2 Initial Condition and Boundary Condition - Optional

Card Argument Description
EXPLIC_BACKWATER  "filename.ext"
file name Save explicit channel routing end of run values of channel depth (m) and discharge (m3 s-1) for each cell.
EXPLIC_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
file name Start explicit channel calculations using the values of channel depth and flow in the named file.
file name Save explicit channel routing end of run values of channel depth (m) and discharge (m3 s-1) for each cell. Depths and discharges will be saved in separate files. Depths will be saved in a file with name "filename" with extension .dht. Discharges will be saved in a file with name "filename" with extension .qht.
file name Start explicit channel calculations using the values of channel depth and flow in the named file. Depths should be in a file with the name "filename" with extension .dht. Discharges should be in a file with the name "filename" and with extension .qht.
none Allow water in channel to flow back onto overland flow plane when stream elevation is above top of bank and the adjacent overland cell elevation.
float Fraction of stream water above TOB that can exit the channel during a single time step when the OVERBANK_FLOW card is specified. Defualt value is 0.01.
none Include backwater effects on overland when stream water surface elevation or TOB is greater than overland flow surface elevation without allowing water in channel to flow back onto overland.
file name Input ASCII file containing the point source input location, discharge, and concentrations.
float Value to limit maximum fractional change in channel volume for stability. Default is 0.04.
none Specified head boundary at the channel outlet. Requires BOUND_DEPTH or BOUND_TS card.
float Specified static head boundary at the channel outlet (m). Used with HEAD_BOUND card, exclusive to BOUND_TS card.
time series name Name of the time series used for the specified channel boundary in the TIME_SERIES_FILE. Used with HEAD_BOUND card, exclusive to BOUND_DEPTH card.
float Use the momentum formulation for channel flow in version 7.14 and higher. The value specified is the time step limitation coefficient, between the value of 0.0 and 1.0. Higher values increase speed. Lower values increase stability. The default value is 0.2.

3.7.3 Stream Losses/Gains - Optional General

Card Argument Units Description
none none Card is used to specify that stream losses be computed when the WATER_TABLE card is not included in the project file. Parameters

Used with WATER_TABLE or STREAM_LOSS card. These parameters may also be distributed along the channel by assigning in the CHAN_INPUT file.

Card Argument Units Description
K_RIVER  ##.##
real cm hr-1 Uniform hydraulic conductivity of streambed material. REQUIRES WATER_TABLE or STREAM_LOSS. May also be distributed in CHAN_INPUT file.
M_RIVER  ##.##
real cm Uniform thickness of streambed material. Requires WATER_TABLE or STREAM_LOSS. May also be distributed in CHAN_INPUT file.

3.7.4 Optional Output

Card Argument Description
IN_HYD_LOCATION  "filename.ihl"
table name Input ASCII file specifying link/node pairs to write out time series data specified by OUT_HYD_LOCATION, OUT_DEP_LOCATION, or OUT_CON_LOCATION.
OUT_HYD_LOCATION  "filename.ohl"
filename Filename to output time series discharge data (m3 s-1 or ft3 s-1) at points specified in IN_HYD_LOCATION. REQUIRED if IN_HYD_LOCATION was specified.
OUT_DEP_LOCATION  "filename.odl"
filename Filename to output channel depths (m) every HYD_FREQ time steps at locations specified in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file.
IN_SED_LOC  "filename.isl"
table name Input ASCII file containing a list of internal link/node locations where the user wants to save sediment hydrographs. Format identical to IN_HYD_LOC option. REQUIRES SOIL_EROSION.
OUT_SED_LOC  "filename.osl"
filename Filename to output sediment flux hydrographs every HYD_FREQ time steps at internal catchment locations specified in the IN_SED_LOC file. REQUIRED if SOIL_EROSION and IN_SED_LOC card are specified.
IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION  "filename.igf"
table name Input ASCII file specifying link/node pairs to write out time series of stream/groundwater exchange flux in the file OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION.
OUT_HYD_LOCATION  "filename.ogf"
filename Filename to output time series stream/groundwater exchange flux data (m2 s-1 or ft3 s-1) at points specified in IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION. REQUIRED if IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION was specified.
none Specifies all time series data use strict Julian format.
CHAN_DEPTH  "filename.cdp"
filename Filename to output link/node data of channel depth (m) every MAP_FREQ time steps.
CHAN_STAGE  "filename.cds"
filename Filename to output link/node data of channel stage (m) every MAP_FREQ time steps.
CHAN_DISCHARGE  "filename.cdq"
filename Filename to output link/node data of channel discharge (m3 s-1) every MAP_FREQ time steps.
CHAN_VELOCITY  "filename.cdv"
filename Filename to output link/node data of channel velocity (m s-1) every MAP_FREQ time steps.
LAKE_OUTPUT    "filename.lel"
filename Filename to output reservoir elevation (m) and volume (m3) for each reservoir in the order listed in the .cif file every MAP_FREQ time steps.

3.8 Continuous Simulations – Optional

Continuous simulations require general information about the watershed location, selection of a method to calculate evapo-transpiration (ET), hydrometeorological (HMET) data in one of three available formats, and the appropriate distributed data either from the Mapping Table file or from GRASS ASCII maps.

3.8.1 Required Inputs

Card Argument Units Description
none   Specifies continuous simulation. REQUIRES one of ET_CALC_PENMAN or ET_CALC_DEARDORFF.


real decimal
Latitude of catchment centroid.
real decimal
Longitude of catchment centroid.
GMT  ##.##
real hr Number of hours difference between the time zone of the catchment and Greenwich Mean Time (e.g. –5 for EST).
real m Depth of the active soil moisture layer from which ET occurs (m).
EVENT_MIN_Q  ##.##
real m3/s Threshold discharge for continuing runoff events.
none none Calculate evapo-transpiration using the Penman-Monteith (1971) method. Select EITHER Penman or Deardorff.
none none Calculate evapo-transpiration using the Deardorff method. Select EITHER Penman or Deardorff

3.8.2 Seasonal Canopy Resistance - Optional

Card Argument Units Description
none none Specifies that the values of canopy resistance vary seasonally
integer month Optional card to specify the month that spring begins; canopy resistance will decrease linearly from a canopy resistance multiplication factor of 4.0 to 1.0 until the SEASONAL_RS_SUMMER_START month is reached. Default is 3 for latitudes below 37 degrees and 4 for latitudes above 37 degrees.
integer month Optional card to specify the month that begins the peak summer growing season, with a canopy resistance mulitplication factor of 1.0. Default is 5 for latitudes less than 37 and 7 for latitudes above 37. MUST be specified if SEASONAL_RS_SPRING card is included.
integer month Optional card to specify the month that ends the peak summer growing season, with a canopy resistance multiplication factor of 1.0. Default is 9. MUST be specified if SEASONAL_RS_SPRING card is included.
integer month Optional card to specify the month that begins the winter dormant period with a canopy resistance multiplication factor of 4.0. Default is 11. MUST be specified if SEASONAL_RS_SPRING card is included.

3.8.3 Format of Hydrometeorological (HMET) Data – Required, Select One Format

Card Argument Description
HMET_SURFAWAYS  "filename.hmt"
file name ASCII file with hourly HMET data formatted in the form of the NOAA/NCDC Surface Airways Data. Mutually exclusive with HMET_SAMSON and HMET_WES; one required for LONG_TERM.
HMET_SAMSON  "filename.hmt"
file name ASCII file with hourly HMET data formatted as per the NOAA/NCDC SAMSON CD-ROM data set. Mutually exclusive with HMET_WES and HMET_SURFAWAYS; one required for LONG_TERM.
HMET_WES  "filename.hmt"
file name ASCII file with hourly HMET data written using a simple format discussed in the Continuous Simulation Section of this document. Mutually exclusive with HMET_SURFAWAYS and HMET_SAMSON; one required for LONG_TERM.

3.8.4 ET Parameter Assignment – Required, Select Mapping Table or GRASS ASCII maps

Long-term simulation parameters must be assigned using either the Mapping Table or providing the GRASS ASCII maps as described below. Albedo, wilting point, transmission coefficient, vegetation height and canopy resistance are also required for ET_CALC_PENMAN.

Card Argument Description
ALBEDO  "filename.alb"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing short-wave albedo values (0.0 – 1.0).
WILTING_POINT  "filename.wtp"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing values of the wilting point volumetric water content (0.0 - 1.0).
TCOEFF  "filename.tcf"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing values of the canopy optical transmission coefficient. (0.0 - 1.0).
VHEIGHT  "filename.vht"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing values of the vegetation height in m. This value is used in calculating the aerodynamic resistance of the reference crop (m) and used in assigning root depth when using INF_RICHARDS.
CANOPY  "filename.cpy"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing values of the canopy average stomatal resistance (s/m).

3.8.5 Optional Inputs

Card Argument Units Description
real m If using GAR, can specify a top layer that is less than or equal to SOIL_MOIST_DEPTH, default is SOIL_MOIST_DEPTH (m).
END_TIME [yr mo day hr min]
date and time date and time Absolute date and time to end the long term simulation. Takes the form year month day hour min, such as 2002 6 30 24 00. Used for stopping the simulation before the end of data.
START_DATE [yr mo day ]
date year month day Absolute date to start the long term simulation. Takes the form year month day, such as 2002 6 30. Used for starting the the simulation after the beginning of the hmet data start. Must be used with START_TIME. Start time and date must coincide with a date and time in the hmet series that is not within a precipitation event.
START_TIME [hr min]
time hour minute Absolute date and time to end the long term simulation. Takes the form of hour min, 24 00. Used for starting the the simulation after the beginning of the hmet data start. Must be used with START_DATE. Start time and date must coincide with a date and time in the hmet series that is not within a precipitation event.

3.8.6 Snow Card Inputs - Optional

Prior to version 6.1 there are no snow options. Additional snow capability has been added in v6.1 and beyond. Please note the GSSHA version numbers when using these cards.

Cards calling which snow melt algorithm to use

Melt Method Card Description
Hybrid Energy Balance
default (no card required)
The Hybrid Energy Balance Method for melting snow is the default, so it is utilized if NWSRFS_SNOW and EB_SNOW are not present in the Project File.
Temperature Index
The Temperature Index Method for melting snow is utilized if this card is present in the Project File.
Energy Balance
The Energy Balance Method for melting snow is utilized if this card is present in the Project File.

Cards Associated with All Three Melt Methods

Card Argument Units Description
NWSRFS_SCF     ##.##
real fraction Snow Cover Factor (adjusts for mis-readings in the gage data (see Continuous:Snowfall_Accumulation_and_Melting).
real °C Base Temperature (MBASE) at which melt begins in snow.
    This option prevents infiltration in any cell containing snow.
INIT_SWE_DEPTH #.# or File
real or File m Initializes the snow water equivalent (SWE) for the entire model. If a value is specified the entire model initializes with that value of SWE. A map file may also be specified. The projection and spatial coordinates must be the same as the model. An example input file is shown below.
SNOW_SWE_FILE  ***.swe
File m Outputs time-series snow water equivalent maps (similar to DEP file).

Example file when using INIT_SWE_DEPTH
Init Snow.jpg

Cards Associated with BOTH Hybrid Energy Balance and Temperature Index Methods

Card Argument Units Description
real fraction Specifies the fraction of precipitation in the form of rain when the temperature in the cell drops below MBASE.
NWSRFS_TIPM       ##.##
real   Snow Cover Thermal Gradient
NWSRFS_NMF        ##.##
real mm/°C/dt Negative Melt Factor.
NWSRFS_FUA        ##.##
real   Empirical Wind Function Factor.
NWSRFS_PLWHC      ##.##
real  % Percent Liquid Water Holding Capacity.
File depends on parameter This card allows some of the parameters related to snow to be varied depending on elevation using elevation bands. Model elevation (*.ele file) must be in meters. The format of the input file is shown below.

Example file when using NWSRFS_ELEV_SNOW
Band NWSRFS.jpg
Elevations are in meters, all other values are in their standard formats.

Cards Associated with JUST Temperature Index Method

Card Argument Units Description
real mm/°C/dt Maximum Melt Factor, only works with NWSRFS_SNOW.
real mm/°C/dt Minimum Melt Factor, only works with NWSRFS_SNOW.

Cards Associated with Vertical Melt Water Transport (Vertical MWT)

Card Argument Units Description
    Uses the SNAP model (Albert & Krajeski, 1998) to simulate the vertical transport of melt-water through the snow pack. Available in versions 6.2 and beyond. (Vertical MWT).
    Uses the SNAP model (Albert & Krajeski, 1998) to simulate the vertical transport of melt-water through the snow pack (Vertical MWT), but also distributes the melt incrementally over an hour instead of abruptly at every timestep that SNAP is run (which is hourly). Available in versions 6.2 and beyond.

Cards Associated with Lateral Melt Water Transport (Lateral MWT)

Card Argument Units Description
ROUTE_LAT_SNOW     ##.##
none Simulates the lateral transport of melt-water through the snow pack based on work by Colbeck (1974) (Lateral MWT). The hydraulic conductivity is calculated over time according to the SNAP model (Albert & Krajeski, 1998) unless the user specifies a value with the SNOW_DARCY card. In versions 6.1 and beyond.
SNOW_DARCY     ##.##
real m s-1 Simulates the lateral transport of melt-water through the snow pack based on work by Colbeck (1974) (Lateral MWT). The user specifies the hydraulic conductivity of the snow pack (m s-1) used for the duration of the simulation. In versions 6.1 and beyond.

Cards Associated with Orographic Effects Orographic effects are available in v6.1 and beyond. Note that the cards change between versions 6.1 and v6.2

Card Argument Units Description
File see Orographic Effects Adjusts the temperature in each cell based on elevation differences between the cell and multiple gage sites. Requires HMET_ELEV_GAGE. The file must have a specific format as shown in Orographic Effects. Model elevations (*.ele file) must be in meters. Available in version 6.1 and beyond. Do not use when using OROGRVAR_HMET in v6.1 or with YES_DALR_FLAG in v6.2 and beyond.
real m Elevation (m) of the gage site where temperature is measured. For GSSHA v6.1 include the OROGVAR_HMET and HMET_LAPSE_RATE cards in the Project File. For versions 6.2 and beyond include the YES_DALR_FLAG in the project file if you want to specify the lapse rate, otherwise GSSHA calculates the lapse rate.
    Adjusts the temperature in each cell based on elevation differences between the cell and the gage site (Orographic Effects). Works only when the HMET_ELEV_GAGE and HMET_LAPSE_RATE cards are included in the Project File. Only one temperature gage used for this option. Does not work with and is exclusive with HMET_OROG_GAGES. Model elevation (*.ele file) must be in meters. Use for version 6.1. For version 6.2 and beyond use YES_DALR_FLAG, described below.
real °C km-1 Dry adiabatic lapse rate of the area modeled. Works only when the OROGVAR_HMET and HMET_ELEV_GAGE cards are included in the project Project File. Used in version 6.1. Exclusive to HMET_OROG_GAGES. In v6.2 and beyond use YES_DALR_FLAG, as described below.
real °C m-1 Dry adiabatic lapse rate of the area modeled. Works only when the HMET_ELEV_GAGE card is included in the Project File. Use for versions 6.2 and beyond. Exclusive to HMET_OROG_GAGES. For versions 6.1 use the OROGVAR_HMET and HMET_LAPSE_RATE cards, as described above.

3.8.7 Distributed Hydrometeorology Data - Optional

This function allows GSSHA to read in raster-based hydrometeorology data. The input files must be in the same projection as the GSSHA model and must be larger than the model domain. Please see Distributed HMET Data for more details.

Card Argument Units Description
HMET_ASCII  ***.txt
File see Distributed HMET Data Inputs hyrometeorology data (temperature, cloud cover, direct radiation, global radiation, pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed) in each cell based on hourly Arc/Info ASCII grid files, giving the model more spatial variability. The files must have a specific format as described in Distributed HMET Data.

3.8.8 Continuous Frozen Ground Index (CFGI) Index Model - Optional

These options are only valid with verions 6.2 and later. In previous versions the CFGI model is applied for any LONG_TERM simulations.

Card Argument Units Description
none Use the CFGI model to simulate frozen soil effects.
real degree C hours Threshold value (negative degree C hours) to differentiate between frozen and unfrozen soils. Default: 83.0.
real dimensionless Snow thermal effect constant (K) in CFGI equation. Default: 0.5.
none dimensionless Use frozen soil hydraulic conductivity equation. If not used then assumed to be 0.

3.9 Saturated Groundwater Flow – Optional

3.9.1 Required Inputs

These cards are REQUIRED to perform 2-D lateral groundwater simulations.

CARD Argument Units Description
WATER_TABLE  "filename.wte"
file name   Specifies the simulation of the effect of the water table on the RE solver, gives GRASS ASCII map name of starting groundwater surface elevations (m).
none   Specifies the simulation of 2-D groundwater flow. INF_RICHARDS or INF_REDIST required.
real s Time step for groundwater computations
GW_LSOR_CON  ##.##
real m Convergence criteria for LSOR calculations. Required with INF_RICHARDS only.
real m Size of unsaturated cell to use in all cells below the soil column specified in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE or Mapping Table. Required with INF_RICHARDS only
real none Factor to over-relax or under-relax next estimate in LSOR calculations. Required with INF_RICHARDS only. Values greater than 1.0 over-relax, values less than 1.0 under-relax. Increase value to speed solution. Decrease value when solution doesn't converge.
AQUIFER_BOTTOM  "filename.bot"
file name name Name of GRASS ASCII map of bedrock elevations (m).
GW_BOUNDFILE  "filename.bnd"
file name name Name of GRASS ASCII map that contains the boundary type of each cell.

(0) no flow (1) no boundary, regular infiltration cell (2) specified head, taken from WATER_TABLE file (3) dynamic flux (well), not yet available (4) river with calculated flux to/from groundwater (5) river with specified head, value from channel solver (6) static flux (well), value taken from GW_FLUX_BOUNDTABLE (7) reservoir

3.9.2 Optional Inputs

Card Argument Units Default Description
none     When simulating saturated groundwater, assign initial values of moisture in each cell of the unsaturated zone using values in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE. Used only with INF_RICHARDS
  • See note below.
real     Uniform porosity to be used in every cell in the groundwater problem
GW_POROSITY_MAP  "filename.por"
file name     Name of GRASS ASCII map containing porosity values for each cell
  • See note below
real cm/hr   Uniform hydraulic conductivity used in every cell in the groundwater problem
  • See note below
GW_HYCOND_MAP  "filename.hyd"
file name     Name of GRASS ASCII map containing hydraulic conductivity (cm hr-1) values for each cell in the groundwater problem
  • See note below
K_RIVER  ##.##
real cm/hr   Hydraulic conductivity (cm hr-1) of streambed material. Use in conjunction with CHAN_EXPLIC and GW_BOUNDFILE type 4. May also be distributed in CHAN_INPUT file.
M_RIVER  ##.##
real cm   Depth of streambed material (m). Use in conjunction with CHAN_EXPLIC and GW_BOUNDFILE type 4. May also be distributed in CHAN_INPUT file.
GW_FLUXBOUNDTABLE  "filename.flx"
file name     Input ASCII file containing location and pumping rate of wells in the grid. Locations should correspond to GW_BOUNDFILE.
real cm/hr 0.0 Rate of water loss out of the bottom of the shallow aquifer.
real fraction 0.75 Fraction of soil saturation for the unsaturated groundwater media when using GAR
  • Values for porosity (θs) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) may be specified in one of four (4) ways:
  1. Without specifying one of the two types of cards above, θs and/or Ks values for each cell will be assigned the value of bottom layer of the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE for the soil type as specified in the SOIL_TYPE_MAP.
  2. Uniform values of θs or Ks may be specified using the appropriate card above.
  3. GRASS ASCII maps of θs or Ks values for each cell may be assigned by using the appropriate card above.
  4. Values may be assigned in the MAPPING_TABLE

3.9.3 Optional Output

CARD Argument Description
GW_OUTPUT  "filename.gw"
file name Filename to output groundwater head (m) MAP_TYPE maps every MAP_FREQ time steps.
OUT_WELL_LOCATION  "filename.iwl"
file name Input ASCII file containing the locations of observation wells. Values of groundwater head at each location in the file specified in OUT_WELL_LOCATION will be output every MAP_FREQ time steps in the GW_WELL_LEVEL file.
GW_WELL_LEVEL  "filename.owl"
file name File name to output groundwater heads every HYD_FREQ time steps at locations specified in OUT_WELL_LOCATION.
IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION  "filename.igf"
file name Name of input ASCII file containing the link/node pairs to write out stream/groundwater exchange flux ordinates to the file specified by OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION.
OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION  "filename.ogf"
file name File name to ouput stream groundwater exchange flus (m2 s-1) at locations specified in IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION file every HYD_FREQ minutes. Requires CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE, CHAN_CON_TRANS, and IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION

3.10 Soil Erosion – Optional

3.10.1 Soil Erosion Simulation - Required

Card Argument Description
integer Specifies overland soil erosion calculation method.
1 - Engelund-Hansen
2 - Kilinc Richardson
3 - Stream power
4 - Effective stream power
5 - Unit stream power
6 - Shear stress
OUTLET_SED_FLUX  "filename.osf"
file name Output file name for outlet sediment flux (cms). Output is listed in columns, first being time, followed by sediment flux for each specified sediment size. Wash sediments are listed first. Followed by the sand sizes.

3.10.2 Soil Erosion Parameters - Required

Soil erosion parameters must be specified in the Mapping Table. See description of inputs in Mapping Table Section - Chapter 12

3.10.3 Optional Inputs

Card Argument Units Default Description
SAND_SIZE  ##.##
real mm 0.25 Representative grain-size for sand-size particles.
real °C 20 Water temperature
real   0.4 Value of the porosity of channel bed sediments (0.0-1.0).
ADJUST_ELEV  "filename.ele"
file name     Inclusion of card results in new overland elevations being computed every overland soil erosion update
file name     Inclusion of card results in the use of updated channel cross sections (aggraded or degraded) being used throughout the simulation.
IN_SED_LOC  "filename.isl"
file name     Input file containing a list of internal link/node locations to output sediment hydrographs. Format identical to IN_HYD_LOC option. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
OUT_SED_LOC  "filename.osl"
file name     Output file containing columns, first of time then sediment discharge (cms) for each sediment size. Sediment sizes that are wash load are listed first, followed by sand sizes. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
OUTLET_SED_TSS "filename.oss"
file name     Output file containing columns, first of time then total suspended sediment(mg/L) at the watershed outlet. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
OUT_TSS_LOC "filename.tss"
file name     Output file containing columns, first of time then total suspended sediment(mg/L) for each location specified in the IN_SED_LOC file. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.

3.10.4 Optional Outputs

Card Argument Units Default Description
NET_SED_VOLUME "base_filename.ext"
file name mm none Output net deposition (+) or erosion (-)
VOL_SED_SUSP "base_filename.ext"
file name g m-3 none Output volume of suspended sediments in each grid cell

3.11 Constituent Transport – Optional

3.11.1 Contaminant Transport - Required

Card Argument Description
none Specifies overland contaminant transport.

3.11.2 Contaminant Transport Parameters – Required

Contaminant transport parameters must be specified in the Mapping Table. See description of inputs in Mapping Table Section - Chapter 12

3.11.3 Optional Inputs

Card Argument Units Default Description
none   not simulating constituent in soils; Specifies active soil contaminant tranport. Requires GREEN_AMPT INF_REDIST or INF_LAYERED_SOIL
real m TOP_LAYER_DEPTH or depth of the top layer in the multi-layer G&A method Depth of active mixing layer. Requires GREEN_AMPT INF_REDIST or INF_LAYERED_SOIL.
none   surface soil concentration not static Concentration in the surface soil layer will be static for the duration of the simulation. Requires SOIL_CONTAM.
none   fluxes between soil layers computed No flux of constituents between soil layers due to water fluxes. Uptake from soil surface still occurs. Requires SOIL_CONTAM.
CONTAM_MAP  filename
file name Kg or mg/Kg get values from mapping table File name that contains map of contaminant loadings (Kg), or soil concentration (mg/Kg) if SOIL_CONTAM card is specified, for simple constituent one. Values for all other constituents will be prescribed with the mapping table. All other values in the mapping table will apply for constituent one.
none   no channel contaminant transport Specifies active channel contaminant transport.
real d-1 0.0 First order decay coefficient of constituents in channel
real (m2 s-1) 0.0 Channel dispersion coefficient.
OUT_CON_LOCATION  "filename.ocl"
file name ppb   Output file containing columns, first of time then constiuent concentration (ppb) for each constituent. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE. Requires IN_HYD_LOCATION. Outputs concentrations for each contaminant at each link/node pair in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file in the order listed in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file and the contaminant mapping table file.
OUT_MASS_LOCATION  "filename.oml"
file name g s-1   Output file containing columns, first of time then constiuent mass flux (g s-1) for each constituent. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE. Requires IN_HYD_LOCATION. Outputs dissolved mass (followed by sorbed mass if doing SED_CONTAM) for each contaminant at each link/node pair in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file in the order listed in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file and the contaminant mapping table file.
none     Specifies that all contaminant information is output for every overland cell, every channel node, and every soil cell/layer every MAP_FREQ and HYD_FREQ, respectively. Maps of overland concentration and mass are written for every constituent using the constituent name in the mapping table with the extensions "conc" and "mass", respectively. Tables of concentraion and mass for every channel node are written for every constituent using the constituent name in the mapping table with the extensions "chan.conc" and "chan.mass", respectively. Use of this option can result in an enormous amout of data being written.

3.12 Subsurface Drainage Network – Optional

Subsurface drains can be simulated with either SUPERLINKS and/or a simple link/node routing package. The inputs are similar

3.12.1 Specifying the Methods

The following card is REQUIRED for the simulation of SUPERLINK subsurface drains.

Card Argument Description
filename.spn Card specifies that subsurface drainage be performed and identifies the input file that describes the newtork connectivity and physical description.

The following card is REQUIRED for the simulation of non-SUPERLINK subsurface drains.

Card Argument Description
filename.dpn Card specifies that subsurface drainage be performed and identifies the input file that describes the newtork connectivity and physical description.

3.12.2 Optional Inputs

The following cards are optional for the simulation of SUPERLINK subsurface drains.

Card Argument Description
filename.gpi File that contains the information needed to link the network to the groundwater model. Required when simulating tile drains.
none Allow flow back to the overland from the storm drains during system surcharge.
none Specifies that GSSHA assigns the proper node spacing for within superlinks.
none Specifies the method used in DRAINMOD be used to compute flows into tile drains.

The following cards are optional for the simulation of non-SUPERLINK subsurface drains.

Card Argument Description
filename.dpi File that contains the information needed to link the network to the groundwater model. Required when simulating tile drains.
none Specifies the method used in DRAINMOD be used to compute flows into tile drains.

3.12.3 Output Cards

The following cards are optional for the simulation of SURERLINK subsurface drains.

Card Argument Description
filename File that defines the junctions for output.
filename File that defines the nodes for output.
filename File that contains the time series output data for the junctions listed in SUPERLINK_JUNC_LOCATION.
filename File that contains the time series output data for the nodes listed in SUPERLINK_NODE_LOCATION.

The following cards are optional for the simulation of non-SURERLINK subsurface drains.

Card Argument Description
filename File that contains the time series output data for all nodes in the non SUPERLINK network.

3.13 Output Files – Required

3.13.1 Required Output

Card Argument Description
SUMMARY  "filename.sum"
file name Output file summarizing information on options selected, inputs read, simulation results, mass conservation, and warnings generated during the simulation.
OUTLET_HYDRO  "filename.otl"
file name Output file containing time series discharge at the catchment outlet. (m3/s default or, ft3/s if QOUT_CFS card is specified)

3.13.2 Optional Output

Card Argument Description
none Specifies outflow hydrograph ordinates in ft3/s. The default is m3/s.
none Suppress printing of information to the screen each time step.
none Suppress all printing of information to the screen. Useful in calibration mode.
none All time series data are output with strict Julian date.
OPTIMIZE  "filename.opt"
filename Filename to output optimization information: peak discharge and discharge volumes at the watershed outlet and at any points specified in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file for each storm event.
Card used to specify to output sediment data for optimization, peak discharge and discharge volume, instead of flow. Can be used with the OPTIMIZE card or in automated calibration mode.
directory path Card used to specify the directory to put all default output files. Default is directory where GSSHA is executed from. If you use this card, all path names in your project file should be relative to the path specified with the PROJECT_PATH card.
REPLACE_PARAMS  "filename.in"
filename File containing the names and formats of variables to be replaced in the input files when operating in replacement mode. Must be used with REPLACE_VALS.
REPLACE_VALS  "filename.in"
filename File containing the values of variables in the REPLACE_PARAMS file. Used when operating in replacement mode. Must be used with REPLACE_PARAMS.
IN_HYD_LOCATION  "filename.ihl"
file name Name of input ASCII file containing the link/node pairs to write out hydrograph ordinates to the file specified by OUT_HYD_LOCATION.
OUT_HYD_LOCATION  "filename.ohl"
file name File name to output discharge (m3/s or ft3/s) every HYD_FREQ minutes, at locations specified in IN_HYD_LOCATION. REQUIRED if IN_HYD_LOCATION was specified.
OUT_DEP_LOCATION  "filename.odl"
file name File name to output time channel depths (m) every HYD_FREQ minutes at locations specified in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file.
OUTLET_SED_FLUX  "filename.osl"
file name File name to output outlet sediment flux (m3 s-1) every HYD_FREQ minutes at the watershed outlet. The columns in this file are: time, wash load flux (m3/s) for each wash size sediment, sand load flux (m3/s) for each wash load sediment from the overland plus an additional column for the sand deposited in the channel when the event begins.
OUTLET_SED_TSS  "filename.oss"
file name File name to output outlet TSS (mg L-1) every HYD_FREQ minutes at the watershed outlet. The columns in this file are: time, and TSS(mg L-1) at the outlet.
 Requires SOIL_EROSION.  
IN_SED_LOC  "filename.isl"
file name Input file name containing link/node pairs to write sediment hydrograph to the file specified by OUT_SED_LOC. Requires SOIL_EROSION and CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
OUT_SED_LOC  "filename.osl"
file name File name to output sediment flux (m3 s-1) every HYD_FREQ minutes at internal catchment locations specified in the IN_SED_LOCATION file. REQUIRED if SOIL_EROSION and IN_SED_LOC card are specified. The columns in this file are: time, wash load flux (m 3 s-1) for each wash size sediment, sand load flux (m 3 s-1) for each wash load sediment from the overland plus an additional column for the amount deposited in the channel when the event begins.
OUT_TSS_LOC  "filename.tss"
file name File name to output sediment concentration (mg L-1) every HYD_FREQ minutes at internal catchment locations specified in the IN_SED_LOCATION file. The columns in this file are: time, TSS (mg/L) for each specified location.
file name Name of input ASCII file containing the number and location (row col) of cells to ouput values of overland depth (m) every HYD_FREQ minutes in the OVERLAND_DEPTHS file. The first line of the file is the number of locations "N" , followed by one line for each "N" pairs of row and column of the ouput cells.
OVERLAND_DEPTHS  "filename.odo"
file name File name to output overland depths (m) every HYD_FREQ minutes at locations specified in OVERLAND_DEPTH_LOCATION.
file name Name of input ASCII file containing the number and location (row col) of cells to ouput values of overland water surface elevations (WSE), in (m), every HYD_FREQ time steps in the OVERLAND_WSE file. The first line of the file is the number of pairs "N", followed by one line for each "N" pairs of row and column of the ouput cells.
OVERLAND_WSE  "filename.owo"
file name File name to output overland water surface elevations (m) every HYD_FREQ minutes at locations specified in OVERLAND_WSE_LOCATION.
file name Name of input ASCII file containing the number and location (row col) of cells to ouput values of cumulative overland (m3), every HYD_FREQ minutes in the CUM_DISCHARGE file. The first line of the file is the number of pairs "N", followed by one line for each "N" pairs of row and column of the ouput cells.
CUM_DISCHARGE  "filename.cds"
file name File name to output cumulative overland discharge (m3) every HYD_FREQ minutes at locations specified in OVERLAND_Q_CUM_LOCATION.
IN_THETA_LOCATION  "filname.itl"
table name Name of input ASCII file that contains locations of cells to output moisture data every HYD_FREQ minutes.
OUT_THETA_LOCATION  "filename.otl"
file name Filename to output time series moisture data every HYD_FREQ minutes at cells specified in IN_THETA_LOCATION.
OUT_WELL_LOCATION  "filename.igw"
file name Name of input ASCII file containing location of observation wells. Values of groundwater head at each location in the file specified in OUT_WELL_LOCATION will be output every HYD_FREQ minutes in the GW_WELL_LEVEL file.
GW_WELL_LEVEL  "filename.ogw"
file name File name to output groundwater heads every HYD_FREQ time steps at locations specified in OUT_WELL_LOCATION.
IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION  "filename.igf"
file name Name of input ASCII file containing the link/node pairs to write out stream/groundwater exchange flux ordinates to the file specified by OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION.
OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION  "filename.ogf"
file name File name to ouput stream groundwater exchange flus (m2 s-1) at locations specified in IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION file every HYD_FREQ minutes. Requires CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE, CHAN_CON_TRANS, and IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION.
OUT_CON_LOCATION  "filename.ocl"
file name File name to ouput constituent concentrations (ppb) at locations specified in IN_HYD_LOC file every HYD_FREQ minutes. Requires CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE, CHAN_CON_TRANS, and IN_HYD_LOCATION.
OUT_MASS_LOCATION  "filename.oml"
file name File name to ouput constituent mass flux (g s-1) at locations specified in IN_HYD_LOCACTION file every HYD_FREQ minutes. Requires CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE, CHAN_CON_TRANS, and IN_HYD_LOCATION.

3.13.3 Optional Output Maps

Card Argument Description
integer Frequency (minutes) that output time-series maps are written to. REQUIRED only if output maps are specified.
integer Specifies the format of output maps:

0 Arc/Info ASCII maps. 1 WMS maps, ASCII (default). 2 WMS maps, binary. 4 XMDF maps (input and output). REQUIRED only if MAP_FREQ is required.

DISCHARGE  [value]
filename or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of the overland discharge (m3/s) every MAP_FREQ minnutes. Overland flow is replaced with channel flow if the OVERLAND_CHAN_DISCHARGE card is used.
filename or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of the cumulative overland discharge (m3) every MAP_FREQ time steps. Overland flow is replaced with channel flow if the OVERLAND_CHAN_DISCHARGE card is used.
' Replace overland flow with channel flow in DISCHARGE and CUM_DISCHARGE_MAP maps.
DEPTH  [value]
file name or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of overland flow depth (m) every MAP_FREQ minutes. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\depth.####.asc" **
INF_DEPTH  [value]
filename or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of cumulative infiltrated depth (m) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES infiltration option. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\inf_dep.####.asc" **
SURF_MOIST  [value]
filename or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of soil surface volumetric water content every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES infiltration option. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\smoist.####.asc" **
RATE_OF_INFIL  [value]
file or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of infiltration rate (cm h-1) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES infiltration option. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\infil.####.asc" **
DIS_RAIN  [value]
filename or folder Filename or folder to output MAP_TYPE maps of spatially distributed rainfall rate (mm h-1) every MAP_FREQ minutes. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\rain.####.asc" **
CHAN_DEPTH  [value]
filename or folder Filename to output link/node data sets of channel depth (m) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
' Write channel discharge maps (m3/s) or CUM_DISCHARGE' maps (m3) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE.
MAX_SED_FLUX  [value]
filename or folder Filename to output link/node data sets of total sediment flux (running) (cm3 s-1) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES SOIL_EROSION.
filename or folder Filename to output maps the net erosion (negative) and depostion (positive) in each cell (m3) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES SOIL_EROSION.
GW_OUTPUT  [value]
filename or folder Filename to output MAP_TYPE maps of groundwater head (m) every MAP_FREQ minutes. REQUIRES WATER_TABLE. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\gw_head.####.asc" **
filename or folder Filename to output MAP_TYPE maps of cummulative groundwater recharge (cm) every MAP_FREQ minutes. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\gw_head.####.asc" **
filename or folder Filename to output MAP_TYPE maps of groundwater recharge (cm) since last map output every MAP_FREQ minutes. If MAP_TYPE=0, then [value] is a folder name and output files are called "value\gw_head.####.asc" **

** if running on a linux/unix machine, then the path uses a forward slash instead of a backward slash.