Difference between revisions of "Template:Nav18"

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:: 18.5     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Monte Carlo Runs|Monte Carlo Runs]]
:: 18.5     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Monte Carlo Runs|Monte Carlo Runs]]
:: 18.6     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software|ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software]]
:: 18.6     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software|ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software]]
::   18.#     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Efficient Local Search|Efficient Local Search]]
::    18.6.1     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Efficient Local Search|Efficient Local Search]]
::   18.#     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization|Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization]]
::    18.6.2     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Multistart|Multistart]]
::     18.6.3     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Trajectory Repulsion|Trajectory Repulsion]]
::     18.6.4     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization|Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization]]
:: 18.7     [[Alternate_Run_Modes:Inset Models|Inset Models]]

Revision as of 22:21, 10 March 2023

This is the GSSHA User's Manual navigation template for Chapter 18 - Alternate Run Modes

Instructions for Adding Pages

  1. Open the "Links" section below for editing in a new tab or window.
  2. Add the appropriate link to the "Links" section. You may copy, paste, and modify the following code:
  3. Note: Change the bold portions of this code to the desired section number, page name, and link text.

    :: 18.# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Alternate_Run_Modes:New User's Manual Page|New User's Manual Page]]
  4. Select Save Page.
  5. Open the newly created link in a new tab or window.
  6. Add content to the new page.
  7. To include navigational links on the new page add the following code to the bottom of the page:
  8. <noinclude>
  9. Select Save Page
  10. Repeat steps above for any other pages to be added to this section.
  11. Edit the numbers in headings of pages in this chapter which may have changed numbers in this template.
  12. Example - Editing Page Headings


    • Pages "18.1 First Page In Chapter 18" thru "18.5 Last Page in Chapter 18" exist.
    • "18.5 New Page in Chapter 18" is added to this chapter.
    • "18.5 New Page in Chapter 18" has headings, "18.5.1 Heading 1, 18.5.2 Heading 2, Sub-Heading 2.1 ..."
    • The last page in the chapter becomes "18.6 Last Page in Chapter 18".

    Steps to Edit

    1. Open "18.6 Last Page in Chapter 18" in a new tab.
    2. Select the edit tab.
    3. Change its headings:
      • from - "18.5.1 Heading 1, 18.5.2 Heading 2, Sub-Heading 2.1 ..."
      • to - "18.6.1 Heading 1, 18.6.2 Heading 2, Sub-Heading 2.1 ..."
      • Note: A text-editor with search and replace may be helpful when editing large pages.
    4. Select Save Page.

  13. Navigate to Wiki Editing Guidelines to add any additional pages to other sections of the GSSHA Primer.

Instructions for Removing Pages

  1. From the "Links" section below, open the page to be deleted in a new tab or window.
  2. Select the delete tab in the new tab or window.
  3. Follow any prompts to delete the page.
  4. Open the "Links" section below for editing in a new tab or window.
  5. Remove the entire line containing the link to the deleted page.
  6. Select Save Page.
  7. Repeat Steps above for any other pages to be deleted from this section.
  8. Edit the numbers in headings of pages in this chapter which may have changed numbers in this template.
  9. Example - Editing Page Headings


    • Pages "18.1 First Page In Chapter 18" thru "18.5 Last Page in Chapter 18" exist.
    • "18.4 Fourth Page in Chapter 18" is deleted from this chapter.
    • "18.5 New Page in Chapter 18" has headings, "18.5.1 Heading 1, 18.5.2 Heading 2, Sub-Heading 2.1 ..."
      • The last page in the chapter becomes "18.4 Last Page in Chapter 18".

    Steps to Edit

    1. Open "18.4 Last Page in Chapter 18" in a new tab.
    2. Select the edit tab.
    3. Change its headings
      • from - "18.5.1 Heading 1, 18.5.2 Heading 2, Sub-Heading 2.1 ..."
      • to - "18.4.1 Heading 1, 18.4.2 Heading 2, Sub-Heading 2.1 ..."
      • Note: A text-editor with search and replace may be helpful when editing large pages.
    4. Select Save Page.

  10. Navigate to Wiki Editing Guidelines to delete any additional pages from other sections of the GSSHA Primer.
  11. Links

    18 Alternate Run Modes
    18.1     MPI and OpenMP Parallelization
    18.2     Simulation Setup for Alternate Run Modes
    18.3     Batch Mode Runs
    18.4     Automated Calibration with Shuffled Complex Evolution
    18.5     Monte Carlo Runs
    18.6     ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software
       18.6.1     Efficient Local Search
       18.6.2     Multistart
       18.6.3     Trajectory Repulsion
       18.6.4     Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization
    18.7     Inset Models